Ms. Cui Yingling, Doctor of Sociology, Master of anthropology, associate professor of Department of Sociology, Wuhan University, as well as deputy director of the Institute of Anthropology, has published many academic articles in Social Sciences in China (English version), Society, Wuhan University Journal and other publications in recent years, with feminist anthropology and ethnic sociology as her main research direction is.
I Fieldwork Experience
① During the period of 2013-2014,a field investigation of the Educated Youth to Enshi,a Tujia and Miao Minority Autonomous Region in southwest of Hubei province, having interviewed fifty-six educated youth, more than thirty the local old people ,totaling more than one million words.
②During the period of 2004-2010, a field investigation of more than 10 months was made in Enshi city of Hubei Province, and the field data of more than one million words were collected .
③In the summer holiday of 2007, a survey of working groups was conducted in Shanbei village, Xiaoshan district, Zhejiang Province, and the accumulated materials added up to 450 thousand words.
④ In the summer holiday of 2006, an investigation of one month was made in Bai nationality, Zhoucheng village, Xizhou town, Dali city, and the field data of 100 thousand words were collected.
Ⅱ Sociological Research Results in Chinese Ethnic Areas (Including Feminist Anthropology)
Cui Yingling. A Style of Flexibility: Practical Logic of Women’s Participation in Social Construction (240 thousand words), Beijing: China Social Science Press, 2011
Publications in Journals:
1. Cui Yingling. “A Style of Flexibility: Re-cognition of the Female Self —As Exemplified in the Shuanglong Village of the Tujia Ethnic Group in Enshi”, Social Sciences in China (English version), 2010 (2)
2. Cui Yingling.”The Variation of Ethnic Mionrity Women,s Self in Cultures Exchange——Taking Enshi Tujia Shuanglong Village as an Example”. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition), 2014 (6)
3.Cui Yingling.“A Study of Changing Paradigms of Gender Relations—A Case Study of Shuanglong Village of Enshi City, Hubei Province”, Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy & Social Sciences), 2012 (4)
4. Cui Yingling. “Struggles and Separation: Reconsidering Women’s Participation in Establishing their Status during the Collectivist Era: Women in Shuanglong Village in Area of Enshi, Hubei”, Collection of Women’s Studies, 2011( 1)
5. Cui Yingling. “Re-Recognition of the Rural Female Self: A Feminism Research of Enshi Tujia-Lung Village”, Society, 2009(2). (Reprinted by Chinese Social Science Today, Sep. 10th, 2009)
6. Cui Yingling. “External Pressure and Internal Integration: On the Husband-Wife Relationship in Rural Areas in the Tide of Migrant Working”, Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), 2009 (2)
7. Cui Yingling. “Relationship between Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law & Construction of Contemporary Harmonious Family”, Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy & Social Sciences), 2007 (2)
8. Cui Yingling. “Rethinking Women’s Social Position at the Basic Level in Traditional Society”, Journal of Hubei University for Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2008 (5)
9. Cui Yingling. “Innovative Practices of Rural Women’s Participation in Social and Cultural Life since Reform and Opening up --- A Case Study of Shuanglong Village in Enshi City, Hubei Province”, Printed in Cultural Resources·Cultural Industry·Cultural Soft Power, Beijing: China Social Sciences Publishing House, 2011
10. Cui Yingling & He Ju. “Autonomous Development of Ethnic Religions---A Case Study of Religious Changes in Worshipping Benzhu in Bai Village, Zhoucheng Town, Dali Bai Nationality Autonomous Prefecture”, Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities (Humanities and Social Sciences), 2011 (4)
III Other Research Results of Gender Relations
1. Cui Yingling. “Truth of Constructed Intellectual Women in the Era of Desire--- A Comment on Yan Zhen’s Novel Because they are Women”, China Women’s News · New Women Schools Weekly, B2, Nov.27, 2012
2. Cui Yingling & Feng Hua. “Contemporary Steering of Gender Studies & Significance of Chinese Experience”, Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy & Social Sciences), 2011(6). (Reprinted by The Information Center of Renmin University of China in Women Studies, 2012 (1))
3. Cui Yingling. “Idea and System Together: Thinking about the Imbalance between the Women’s Social Status and Social Role”, Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy & Social Sciences), 2009 (2). (Reprinted by The Information Center of Renmin University of China in Women Studies, 2009 (4))
4. Luo Ping & Cui Yingling. “The New Theory on the Value of Two Production in Human History”, Journal of Xiangtan University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2011 (1)
Ⅳ Other Anthropological Research Results and Textbooks
1. Cui Yingling. “Review, Reflection and Reconstruction: Chinese Community Study in One Century”, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition), 2011 (1)
2. Zhu Bingxiang & Cui Yingling. “Formation and Evolution of the Image of ‘Dragon’ from the Perspective of Anthropology ——A Reply to the Argument of ‘Reconstruction of China’ s National Image’”, Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities (Humanities and Social Sciences), 2008(1). (Reprinted by The Information Center for Social Sciences of Renmin University of China in Cultural Studies, 2008 (5)). (Excerpted by Academic Digest (CSSCI), March, 4th, 2008)
3. Zhu Bingxiang & Cui Yingling. Basic Anthropology, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2006 (one of the 21st century serial textbooks for general education in institutions of higher learning)
Ⅴ、Main Research Projects
1. Cui Yingling hosted Research of Interaction between Educated Youth and Ethnic Societies, one youth national social science fund project in 2013.
2. Cui Yingling hosted The Formation of the Concept of “Society” & Interaction between Chinese and Western Cultures, one independent research project of Wuhan University in 2010.
3. Cui Yingling hosted the Innovative Practices of Rural Women’s Participation in Social and Cultural Life in the Process of Modernization, one sub-topic of the “985”project of expanding cultural innovative platform for the second phase.
4. Cui Yingling hosted and participated in the sub-topic of Research of Modernization of Religious Culture in Ethnic Areas: A Case Study of Bai Village, Zhoucheng Town, Dali City (11ASH007), one important national social science fund project.
Ⅵ Awards
A Style of Flexibility: Re-cognition of the Female Self —As Exemplified in the Shuanglong Village of the Tujia Ethnic Group in Enshi was awarded the Second Prize for Outstanding Essaies by the government of Hubei Province.
Idea and System Together: Thinking About the Imbalance Between the Women’s Social Status and Social Role was awarded The Third Prize for Outstanding Research Report and Essay on Women Studies in Wuhan City.
Ⅶ Other Voluntary Work in Social and Academic Organizations
Deputy Secretary-General & Permanent Member of Hubei Association of Women’s Theories
Deputy Director of Women-Gender Research Centre, Wuhan University
Member of Youth Academic Committee of Summit Forum for Anthropology
The Eleventh Women Representative & Executive Member of Hubei Women’s Federation